
Showing posts from March, 2023

What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids & how can they be created?

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors within the female reproductive system. While most uterine fibroids are diagnosed and treated in women between the ages of 35-54, fibroids can occur in women as young as in their 20s. Most fibroids cause no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms, they may include: • Heavy, prolonged menstrual periods • Pelvic pain or pressure • Frequent need to urinate • Constipation • An enlarged belly or feeling bloated • Anemia • Pain during intercourse Fibroids are often discovered when a woman has a routine pelvic exam and are frequently treated with a hysterectomy. More than 600,000 women undergo hysterectomies in the United States each year, but some doctors believe that many women do not require this drastic operation. In fact, according to medical studies, 75% of hysterectomies may not be necessary. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) as a first line of treatment for fib...

What is the most recent procedure for treating fibroids that is available in National Harbor, MD?

Fibroids comprise the most common reason behind hysterectomies that are performed. The traditional procedure hasn’t undergone many changes in the past 60 years. Patients are in a position to watch and then wait to see whether the fibroid grows and if it does surgeries or procedures for surgery are planned. UFE is simpler than surgical alternatives and doesn’t require hospitalization. Also, it has a quicker recovery time. Studies reveal that 90 to 95 percent of women who undergo UFE procedures are satisfied with their results and feel significant or complete relief after the procedure. An interventional radiologist (IR) performs fibroid embolization. They are experts in imaging blood vessels, which detect and treat various health issues. The three most common surgical procedures to treat fibroids are ·        hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), ·        myomectomy (Removal of fibroid from inside uterine lining), ·...

Benefits of Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign (non-cancerous) tumors within the female reproductive system. A fibroid starts as a normal muscle cell in the uterus. For unknown reasons, this single cell grows and multiplies into a cluster of cells that form the fibroid. Fibroids are stimulated to grow by estrogen (a hormone produced by the ovaries) and blood flow. During menopause, the fibroid tumor often shrinks as the estrogen level naturally declines. VidaVascular is the best Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) treatment provider in National Harbor, Maryland . Uterine fibroid Embolization (UFE) can be described as a non-surgical treatment that treats fibroids. Compared to surgical options, UFE is associated with lower complications, a shorter hospital stay, and a faster recovery. During a UFE procedure, the physician injects tiny particles into the blood vessels supplying the fibroids in order to block the blood supply to the fibroids and cause the fibroids to shrink. The procedure take...

The Minimally Invasive Procedure to Treat Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are a common problem among women of all ages. While the traditional approach to treating uterine fibroids is through surgery, there are now minimally invasive options available. These procedures offer less risk and fewer complications than traditional surgical treatments, while still providing effective results. This article will discuss the different minimally invasive surgical procedures used to treat uterine fibroids and how they can help improve a woman's quality of life. Most fibroids cause no symptoms. If you do experience symptoms, they may include: •    Heavy, prolonged menstrual periods •    Pelvic pain or pressure •    Frequent need to urinate •    Constipation •    An enlarged belly or feeling bloated •    Anemia •    Pain during intercourse Fibroids are often discovered when a woman has a routine pelvic exam and are frequently treated with a hysterectomy. More than 600,000 women undergo h...