Be FREE of FIBROIDS - Why did you choose to have a UFE?

 What is UFE ?

Uterinefibroid Embolization (UFE) is a nonsurgical permanent treatment for fibroids. Compared to the surgical options, UFE results in fewer complications, no hospital stay and a far quicker recovery time. Long term data show that 90 to 95% of women who have the UFE procedure report ongoing satisfaction and significant or total symptomatic relief for many years following the procedure.

Why did you choose to have a UFE?

A lot of factors went into the decision for a women . For people who want more children, UFE is a much better option. (Note: Pregnancy is possible after a UFE for most women. However, there are additional risks associated with pregnancy after a UFE. As always, speak with your care provider.)

COVID-19 was also a factor. Because UFE is MINIMALLY invasive, it meant NO hospital stay,.

But the main thing is that you don’t  want to have a surgery, and if you I didn’t want to be put under general anaesthesia, Because many people  had a bad experience with anaesthesia before, and of course that’s not most people’s experience.


Benefits of UFE

1 Completely noninvasive — NO surgery and NO blood loss
2 No hospital stay
3 Quick return to normal activities
4 Preserves the uterus, cervix and ovaries
Insurance covers this procedure

Get Your FREE Consultation Now !

Call : 866-800-2346

To schedule a free screening for this and other conditions at a VidaVascular office in northern Virginia (convenient to Springfield, Fairfax, Alexandria, Arlington, Woodbridge), Maryland (convenient to National Harbor, Oxon Hill, Waldorf, La Plata, and Clinton), and Washington DC.

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